Pokers Top Spot

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

7 Card Stud Deal and Round One

Seven card stup may look cheap and easy way to play poker but in truth seven card stud is a very expensive and complicated game. To start you are delt 3 cards 2 face down one face up. As shown here. there is a round on betting.(7 card stud is a limit betting game) Lowest card showing starts the betting with the bring in, or forced bet.

Next one more card is delt out face up, highest quality hand starts the betting action. This is where you can start to bluff is you have 2 spades or any suit showing making the over players thing you might have 4 spades. Also at this point is you have nothing showing but you have two pair this may be a time to sit back and watch the action. This second round is shown here in the secong picture.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Every person has their own way of bluffing. there are a few different directions you can take when bluffing another player.
Bluff Weak
When you you have a very strong hand, one you feel can not be beaten, for example a full-house on flop or the nuts, bet and act weak. Hesitate to call a bet or bet the minimum or look nervouse when betting or calling.
Bluff Strong
When you have no hand or only a small pair you can do strong bluff. If you have missed out on the hand and have nothing but you think the other person has a weak hand you can try and bet them out. Call any bet fast or re-raise on over betting making them think you have a strong hand.
Trapping is almost the same as a weak bluff. But in a trap you dont have to look weak or hesitate, all your doing is waiting for them to make a move on your winning hand.
When you bluff you are are playing at a high risk. If you are caught on a strong bluff you could lose alot of money with no hand. If you are weak bluffing and let the other player see all the cards and he hits the one card he needs to beat you, you could lose all you chips thinking you have the better hand.

Dont risk what you cant lose
Change bluff type
Dont always bluff
When caught give up, know when to stop

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Turn and River

The two most important cards that you will see are the turn and the river. The turn is the fourth card that come up with the comunity cards. After the turn card is put out on the board. This card is a kry point in your hand. Its called the turn becasue this is where your hand takes a turn for the worse or turn toward the better. If at this point if your hand is un made its a good time to pull out unless your a daring soul or have alot of outs. There is a round of betting following the turn. After this round of betting the river is delt. The river card is the last of the five comunity cards. This is called the river becasue if at this point if you dont have a hand you are up the river. You must have a hand at this point if you to bet and win. It is possible to continue with a bluff but if you havent gotten you opponent to fold to this point you have a poor chance to push them out unless they missed out. There is a final round of betting after the river is delt out. If two or more players stay in through this they turn up there cards and the bast five card hand win the entire pot.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Post Flop

After the cards are delt and the bets are in the flop is delt. This is when three comunity cards layed out in the middle of the table for all the players to use. To play effectivly and plan to win, you must hit something on the flop. What you want, but rarely get is a baot or a flush or a straight off the flop, but atleast you want to get a 4 cards flush or straight. If nothing else you want to at the very least hit a pair. If you get nothing you have a few options. You can play it safe and check or call an persons small bet, or fold to any bet. If you are daring you can bluff. Bluffing is a key part of poker that i will go over in another entry, but in short it is betting like you have a stronger hand then you truly do. Once the three cards are put out there is a round of betting starting with the first person to the left of the dealer. This person or any person can bet as much as they want or they can chack. Checking is when there are no bets to be called and you do not want to bet. A check is also a good way of trapping someone. Trapping someone is when you check adn make the other players think you have a weak hand when in truth you have a very strong hand. I will cover this more when i cover bluffing.

Keys to remeber:
Round of betting like the preflop
Hand strength is formed
Bluffing and trapping

Good Bluff

Bad Bluff

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Preflop poker

Alright to start off a hand of texas hold'em blinds must be posted, as shown here, always the two players to lthe left of the dealer have to post blinds before they get their cards. The person that is 2 seats away is the big blind and the person next to the dealer is the small blind. The small blind is hjalf of the big blind, like 10 20 or 1500 3000. This is in place to insure that there is always money in the pot. Also once all the other players get their cards they must either fold, call the amount of the blind, or bet. Becasue this is no-limit a person can go all-in preflop if they feel that they have the best hand. For the most part a person should only call the blind if they have suited cards, AKA two spades or hearts, connectors, AKA 56, 78,10J, and so one, or pocket rockets, AKA AA or 22, of high cards like Aj, A1o. This is where a persons planning starts and the type of player they are shines brightly. An agressive player will bet with any decent cards while a careful player may only call the blind with above average cards A player like me, i always want to see cards and i bet very often, I am an agressive player but this does not work for everyone. To play like me you must be ready to get caught, and realize when you are beat before you lose to much. Goodluck and i hope that you are now prepared for the preflop game play.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Texas hold'em OverView

Alright Texas Hold'em is impossible to tackle in a single post so i will take up through a few posts and i should have it all completed and ready to move onto the next topic by then.

Texas hold'em is a simple game, to start all players are delt two cards face down, these cards are called your pocket cards. At this point there is a round of betting, then the dealer will put out three cards in the middle of the table, this is called the flop. Once again there is another round of betting. After that another card is flipped up in the middle, this is called the turn. This is followed by another round of betting and then that last card, or the river, is delt out into the middle and followed by betting. After this the players left can flop up your cards and see what player has the best hand.

All players are trying to use thier two pocket cards and the 5 community cards to make the best hand

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


No mattter what type of poker you are playing these are the hands that you will come across. In all poker games you are making the best five card hand and hoping it beats out your opponet's hand. Above is a list of the different hands in order of strength from top to bottom.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Poker Games

When you think of poker what game comes to mind, for most of us the answer is texas hold'em, almost everyone knows how to play. But in fact their are a TON of different poker games. I now open this to you, I plan to make my way through describing different poker games for a while but if their is a certain one you wish me to go over first all you have to do is leave me a comment i will be sure to get to it first. My plan is to first go over the popular texas hold'em but please feel free to comment me and give me some direction.
Thank you,
Dennis Souder

Friday, September 14, 2007

Poker's Top Spot

Pokers a sport that takes years and years of practice to be good at, it is also one of the fastest up and coming sports out there. This site is going to be set up to aid you in getting started in poker. This site will teach you the basic rules of the most common types of poker and will also provide links to online poker sites that i have used and will give my opinions on. Through contacting me i will also give personal lessons via E-mail. Please comment me and let me know your intrest level.
Thank you,
Dennis Souder

Favorite poker game